March 2025

Congratulations to Edwin for publishing his work on HFpEF on the Journal of the American Heart Association (link)! Congrats to Jenny as well for helping with the paper!

The lab says goodbye to Rosita. It has been great to have you in our team, but writing the thesis requires your attention :-) Thank you for the remarkable work you pioneered in our team on developing new enrichment strategies for histone modifications, RNA modifications, and detection of RNA oxidations!

A new movie on "Centenarians" coming soon with our lab featured!! Aging science rocks! See the full trailer here (link), as well as the website (link), and crowdfunding (link).

The lab received the SPARC award in collaboration with Dr. Omar Saeed! Great opportunity to perform some translational science with our latest proteomics innovations.

Simone presents the lab science at the Yeshiva of Flatbush High School in Brooklyn. Thank you Dr. Avivit Nsiri for the invite!

Simone will be the keynote speaker at the Bronx Community College STEM Day in April! Looking forward to it, and thank you to Dr. Raffaella Diotti for the invite!

Simone will be one of the lecturers at the ENRICH Summer School in Italy (July 7-10). Consider applying to it; great opportunity to learn about molecular synthesis of organic molecules acting as receptors. Contact us to know more (link)!

Sarah presents her work on histone succinylation at the Einstein Chromatin Club!

February 2025

The lab goes to the US HUPO conference in Philadelphia! Attendees will be Simone, Sarah, Stephanie, Ronnie, Max, Giulia and Carlos!

Simone will present at the Technology Network panel discussions on February 27th at 11 am (Eastern time). If you are interested in hearing about novel applications in proteomics and mass spectrometry, register here (link).

Well done to our old lab member Yan, who published his major postdoc paper! Out in Analytical Chemistry, a new study on the use of oxidation footprinting to identify drug binding to the protein BCL-2 (link).

Congrats to Stephanie as well for this new collaboration with the lab of Dr. Gilthorpe (Umea, Swden) on the role of extracellular histones in exosomes (link).

A quick update on manuscripts currently in BioRxiv: exciting collaborations on Dynactin with the lab of Dr. Arne Gennerich (link), on the CoREST complex with the lab of Dr. Rhoda Alani (link), and on the enzyme KDM5 with the lab of Dr. Julie Secombe (link).

Check out the website for our consortium ENRICH (link), a collaboration with many labs around the world led by Dr. Roberta Pinalli (University of Parma) and sponsored by the European Union! The collaboration is focused on developing new tools for the enrichment of post translationally modified proteins.

January 2025

Welcome back to everyone! 2024 is starting with lots of news and things coming up. Thank you for checking our website from time to time; we feel your energy!

Simone presents at the IRCCS (Spallanzani Hospital) in Reggio Emilia. Thank you to Drs. Chiara Marracini, Davide Schiroli and Agnese Razzoli for the invite!

Simone and Ronnie present at the Hevolution consortium meeting in Manhattan. Thank you to all the members for making this an unforgettable year (consortium website link).

Simone is heading to Riyadh to present at the Global Healthspan Summit, also sponsored by our Hevolution grant. Looking forward to it (link with program).

Congratulations to our old friend Laura Corveleyn who will defend her PhD thesis in February!

Some good news about manuscripts from the lab. We resubmitted the single cell histone paper of Ronnie to Nature Communications. We also submitted our work on direct injection mass spec (in collaboration with Merck) to ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, and the work on spatial proteomics we did together with George Karagiannis to Life Science Alliance, which is now under review. Fingers crossed for all of them!

Congrats to Jazmine for publishing a collaboration with the lab of Dr. Arslan Ali in Epigenomics (link).

Congrats to Stephanie as well for two collaborations published in Nature (with Dr. Ian Maze, link) and the Journal of the American Chemical Society (with Dr. Kabirul Islam, link).

With these papers, Simone reached 200 peer-reviewed publications!! What a round number!